iOS Application States

  • Not running: In the Not Running state, an application has either not been launched or has been closed/shut down by the system.
  • Inactive: A brief state of inactivity occurs while the app is leaving or entering its active state. Despite running in the foreground, it isn’t yet ready to accept user input or events. This means that the application remains inactive at this time.
  • Active: The Active state indicates that the app is running in the foreground and receiving events. This is usually the normal mode for foreground apps and the User Interface is accessible.
  • Background: During this state, the application’s user interface is hidden, but it continues to run in the background of the iOS system. Applications usually pass through this state prior to being suspended.
  • Suspended: In this case, the application is in the background but is not running code. However, it stays in my memory. Under low memory conditions, the system can delete apps in the suspended state without warning.